REDEX provides innovative technological solutions that enable companies to adopt renewable energy with ease. Headquartered in Singapore, REDEX developed and operates Asia’s leading trading platform for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). We offer a one-stop ecosystem for RECs, supporting clients through the full REC lifecycle – asset registration, verification, marketplace and retirement.
A company committed to accelerate the global transition towards clean, green and renewable energy, REDEX won the 2023 Emerging Enterprise Sustainability Award in Singapore.
Ready to embark on your journey towards a sustainable future with renewable energy certificates? Contact us today and join the green energy revolution.
While RECs represent the generation of renewable energy, carbon offsets are measures taken to compensate for emissions elsewhere. RECs directly support renewable energy production, whereas carbon offsets can involve various projects like reforestation or energy efficiency initiatives such as solar energy systems.
Owners of RECs can claim use of low or zero emission electricity and lower their market-based Scope 2 emissions. Carbon credits are used to offset an organisation’s overall emissions (Scope 1,2 and 3).
APX is the issuer for the Tradable Instrument for Global Renewables (TIGR) while the GEC is issued by China’s National Energy Administration. Independent entities issue the I-REC(E). In Singapore, the Green Certificate Company is the I-REC(E) issuer. Find out who are the other issuers of the I-REC(E).
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