The 26th of January is International Day of Clean Energy. It is a day to rally support and advance a fair and equitable transition to clean energy for the global community. Founded on this day, the International Renewable Energy Agency which works to drive the adoption of renewable energy for sustainable development.
As shared by the United Nations, “Energy lies at the core of a double challenge: leaving no one behind and protecting the Planet. And clean energy is crucial to its solution.”
Communities without access to energy face challenges in accessing economic, health and educational opportunities. Clean energy addresses these challenges, empowering populations and sustainable development for disadvantaged groups and areas.
In 2025, the IEA projected renewables to become the world’s largest source of electricity for the first time. At REDEX, we are committed to accelerating the world’s transition to clean and renewable energy and support the global effort to triple renewables by 2030.
With our innovative technological solutions, REDEX enables corporates to adopt renewable energy, signal their support for clean energy, and potentially catalysing investment in renewables.
We have also streamlined the process to onboard distributed solar energy devices for RECs issuance, making it more economically attractive to install household rooftop solar panels. With increasing installation of distributed solar PVs, remote geographies are better able to access electricity, potentially improving the quality of life for populations in these areas.
REDEX is excited to be part of the global movement of impactful decarbonisation and sustainable development. We look forward to working with like-minded partners to bring about change for a greener and more sustainable Earth for present and future generations!
Learn more about the International Day of Clean Energy: https://www.un.org/en/observances/clean-energy-day.