Incorporating GECs into Product Carbon Footprint Calculation

This article shares suggestions, by Liu Hanyuan, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of the board of directors of Tongwei Group, on incorporating Green Electricity Certificates (GECs) into the calculation of product carbon footprint. Background Meeting sustainability requirements will enable enterprises to become more competitive, and in particular, the […]

Preventing Duplication of GEC Environmental Attributes

Preventing Duplication of Green Electricity Certificates in China

On September 5, 2024, the National Energy Administration (NEA) officially issued a notice on the Rules for the Issuance and Trading of Green Electricity Certificates (GECs) for Renewable Energy, emphasising the status of GECs as “the only proof of environmental attributes of renewable energy” and “the only certificate for the production and consumption of renewable […]

The Potential Impact of Linking the Carbon Trading, Green Electricity and Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) Markets


The linking of the carbon trading, green electricity and Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) markets (electricity-carbon-certificate) will drive the low-carbon transformation of enterprises. With increasing national support for renewable energy and the continuous improvement of the carbon market, more and more businesses will participate in this system. By purchasing green electricity, participating in carbon trading, and […]

Future of China’s Green Electricity Certificate (GEC)

Future of China's Green Electricity Certificate (GEC)

[The following is a commentary by Chnergy Institution] With the acceleration of the global green energy transition, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) have become a core tool for countries to promote the development of renewable energy and promote carbon emission reduction. In China, the Green Electricity Certificate (GEC or green certificate) is the only certificate for […]

Enhancing Coordination Between Electricity and Carbon Markets in China

Enhance coordination between carbon and electricity markets

[This following commentary is by China Electric Power Enterprise Federation] Current situation of carbon and electricity markets At present, the national carbon market is in the initial stage of construction, and the electricity market is in the process of deepening reform. China has issued policies to promote the coordinated development of the carbon and electricity […]

GEC Issuance and Trading Update (January 2025)

Update on GEC Issuance and Trading

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) released data on Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) issuance and trading for January 2025. GEC Issuance Figures Monthly (Jan 2025):• A total of 231 million GECs issued in the month, a year-on-year increase of 2.25 times.• A total of 150 million GECs, or around 65%, were tradable• GECs were issued for […]

Green Electricity Certificate vs Carbon Trading Schemes in China

Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) scheme and China Certified Emissions Reduction (CCER) scheme

The Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) scheme and China Certified Emissions Reduction (CCER) scheme are market-based means to promote China’s green development. What is the difference between the two schemes? Why do we need to connect the two? How will these measures help China achieve the goals of peak carbon and carbon neutrality? To this end, […]

Essential Information on Green Electricity Certificate Issuance

GEC issuance

This article provides more information on Green Electricity Certificate issuance. What is the validity period of the Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) and how is it calculated? The GEC is valid for 2 years, and this includes the month of generation. For less than 1,000 kWh of generated electricity, how is a GEC issued? One GEC […]

Green Electricity Certificate FAQs

Green Electricity

In August 2024, China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) and Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) jointly issued a Notice on creating a linkage between the Green Electricity Certificate (GEC) Market and the China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) market. This article answers several FAQs about the Notice and provides additional information. What is the background and […]

China Committed to Strengthening Green Electricity Certificate Market

Strengthening Green Electricity Certificate System and Market

On 23 January 2025, the National Energy Administration (NEA) of China held a press conference to share updates on the development of new energy storage, oil and gas exploration, and the issuance of Green Electricity Certificates (GEC). The NEA also took the opportunity to explain more about the “Administrative Measures for the Development and Construction […]